Make Sure Bonfire Night is the Only Time You See Sparks Fly

Fire can be enjoyable at a fireworks display but there is certainly nothing to enjoy about a fire at your premises.

Make Sure Bonfire Night is the Only Time You See Sparks Fly

Make sure bonfire night is the only time you see sparks fly get your fire dampers tested

We are now well into Autumn and we’ll soon be enjoying all this season has to offer, wrapping up warm in our scarves and gloves as we enjoy sparklers or a hotdog at our local fireworks display. However, whilst fire can be enjoyable at a fireworks display, there is certainly nothing to enjoy about a fire at your premises.

If the worst were to happen and a fire breaks out at your property, Fire Dampers within your HVAC system play a huge part in preventing its spread. Responding to high temperatures, Fire Dampers shut to form compartments that prevent fire spreading throughout the building and help to contain it to one area.

Despite British Standard 9999:2017 clearly stating that Fire Dampers should be tested by an expert at least once per year, and regular maintenance carried out, it is not uncommon for this obligation to be missed, but the consequences can be catastrophic if it is.

It is the responsibility of the building owner or manager to ensure compliance with regulations. Failure can result in large fines and in the worst cases where fatalities happen as the result of a fire, criminal prosecution for breach of the law and regulations. So, make sure you are fully compliant and are having your Fire Dampers tested at least once every 12 months by a reputable company who also incorporates smoke damper testing and fire damper surveys in with their package. Doing this will mean you will have a thorough report to prove your dampers have been tested to standard, you are compliant and are keeping your building inhabitants safe.

Our team at System Hygienics are proud to be the first to have engineers complete an IFSM (The Institute of Fire Safety Managers) course, so our engineers are truly competent to complete fire damper testing to the highest standard.

If you want to make sure your building is fully compliant without the fuss, take a look at our Complete Ventilation Compliance Package. Starting at £60 per week, each package is fully bespoke to your building and ensures you meet all obligations for keeping your building compliant. Get in touch to find out more!