Ductwork Cleaning Following Construction Work

New premises or renovations are exciting, but have you considered ductwork? It's important to ensure it's properly installed.

Ductwork Cleaning Following Construction Work

Cleaning Ductwork Post-Construction Work

Moving in to brand new premises, or having works done to an existing building is an exciting time. After the wait, you are no doubt eager to get settled in and put everything where it needs to be. But, have you given any thought to your ductwork?

However good the job is that your builders have done in ensuring your building is clean from dust and debris, your ductwork is likely to filled with potential allergens that can cause issues if left. Construction materials contain chemicals and compounds that you wouldn't ordinarily find in a building and you don't want to be breathing in any potentially hazardous materials.

One of the signs your ductwork could do with a proper clean is a persistent covering of dust on your new surfaces, and even throughout your building, once work is completed. If no matter how thoroughly you clean the surfaces, the dust soon settles again, it's possible that the dust is in your air ducts and is being dispersed around your building by air circulation.

It can take months for that fine layer of dust coating your horizontal services to disperse if you don’t remove building debris from air ducts. Furthermore, you could be inhaling residual construction materials that are being circulated throughout your building via air circulation.

When your air ducts are clogged with debris, your HVAC system's efficiency and longevity suffer. It is likely that airflow will be obstructed depending on how much debris is in the ducts. Allowing a big build-up of building materials to remain in your ducts can cause moisture to condense or pool, increasing the risk of mould or other bacteria growing.

Whether you have moved into new build space, or had renovation work done to an existing building, ducts should be checked and cleaned thoroughly, firstly to avoid poor air quality but secondly to ensure the HVAC system is functioning correctly and efficiently before bigger issues develop.

At System Hygienics we take care of all your ductwork maintenance needs, keeping you compliant with legislation. Air quality testing and ductwork cleaning is available to our customers as a standalone service or as part of our Complete Compliance Package. Each bespoke package includes an in-depth audit and survey to prove the cleanliness and safety of your entire system so you can be sure it is up to scratch and the threat of airborne contaminants is managed.

To find out more about our ventilation hygiene services, please visit www.systemhygienics.co.uk.