Clean ventilation eases breathing for asthma, hay fever, COPD.

Increasing respiratory conditions due to pollution or lifestyle necessitates focusing on indoor air quality in buildings.

Clean ventilation eases breathing for asthma, hay fever, COPD.

Clean ventilation systems means asthma hayfever and COPD sufferers can breathe easy

Whether it is a factor of environmental pollution or lifestyle, certain conditions affecting the respiratory system appear to be on the increase. This worrying trend means that it is more important than ever to focus on the quality of air within buildings where people live, work or spend their leisure time.

The irritation of hayfever and asthma

Coping with allergies such as hayfever is a daily struggle for many people and the presence of pollen – which can originate from grass, trees, crops and flowers - can trigger their bodies immune system, spinning it into turmoil, causing severe discomfort and distress.

Asthma too can be particularly debilitating condition as sufferers find their airways become inflamed when they come into contact with a whole range of pollutants including dust, smoke, mould or even the smallest amount of animal hair. Varying from person to person, this irritation often leads to breathing difficulties and, in serious cases, to hospitalisation.

Other lung conditions with chronic effects

When it comes to improved ventilation, those with hayfever and asthma are not the only ones who stand to benefit.

COPD is the commonly-used acronym for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – a range of underlying lung diseases such as Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis. These conditions are similarly aggravated by pollution (of a variety of types) and those affected can become critical to the point of requiring emergency specialist care.

The importance of clean air

Effective control of all of the above-mentioned conditions requires the provision of good, clean air. Not only is the efficacy of ventilation key, but the quality of the airstream – and the minimisation of the presence of any potential pollutants – is of vital importance too.

If the comfort and safety of individuals is to be ensured and the health and well-being of those employed in large office buildings is to be protected, then the air within the ventilation system must be free from contamination and delivered at just the right temperature and level of humidity. Some trigger organisms (such as dust mites for example) can thrive in the most humid of environments so maintenance of an air flow with optimum moisture content can control the presence of these and help asthma and COPD sufferers minimise their symptoms.

Clean systems produce clean air

It’s perhaps not surprising that clean air is only produced by clean ventilation systems. Regular inspection, maintenance and cleaning is required to ensure that all forms of contamination are removed from areas where there is a potential for it to build up (and therefore also possibly harbour bacteria).

It is vitally important that ventilation cleaning is carried out in compliance with health & safety specifications if it is to be entirely effective. System Hygienics follow the requirements of the leading industry guidance document issued by the Building Engineering Services Association, BESA TR19®.

As well as following this guidance closely, we also incorporate our own unique technology called JetVent which ensures verifiable cleaning of all internal ductwork surfaces, including those which are otherwise impossible to reach.

To find out more about the System Hygienics approach to the provision of clean and safe air and how we are setting the highest standards amongst the industry, then visit Ventilation Cleaning  or speak to one of our knowledgeable team to find out how we are contributing to a cleaner, healthier society.