Working with the University of Sheffield

Fire Damper testing and LEV cleaning was the priority.

Working with the University of Sheffield

"System Hygienics were professional and understanding of the needs required to complete the work within a working educational environment."

Project Background

The University of Sheffield is a World Class Research University based in South Yorkshire. They are a member of the Russell Group, one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching. The university comprises 91 campus buildings and a total of 430 buildings located within proximity to each other throughout Sheffield city centre and West Sheffield. Due to the size of the campus, there are multiple estates and maintenance managers assigned to the buildings.

Although Sheffield University has used System Hygienics in the past, the client who reached out was new to the East Campus and was eager to have the buildings compliant to ensure the safety of students and staff. Fire Damper testing and LEV cleaning were the priority, and the System Hygienics team started with the Frederick Mappin Building, which houses over 100 fire dampers.

Our Process and Solution

Following a client visit, and with the current asset list, we implemented the project over five working days. The client was available on-site to assist our crew, which was very helpful when access to offices and lecture rooms was restricted. The team worked closely with the client, and as a result, the work was completed in good time. A remedial report was issued to the client following the testing, which was well received.

Whilst on site, the client also requested an LEV clean, which was completed by a second team simultaneously.

Client Testimonial

Sam Storr, Mechanical Engineering Manager, stated:

“Thanks for sending this over, much appreciated, thanks again to the engineers who completed the work also. I will and action the campus's size, multiple estates and maintenance managers arerecommended remedial work with yourselves

"I approached system hygienics to complete fire damper testing within one of the University's prestigious buildings, Engineering Heart Space.

From the initial site visit, System Hygienics were professional and understanding of the needs required to complete the work within a working educational environment.

The communication from the office team and the engineers on site was fantastic, System Hygienics will be a company that I will be using for further work across the university estate."

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